Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Why Email Marketing?

Email marketing is the most-effective tool for reaching audiences in a personalized, one-to-one way.
Here’s why:
Paid ads, especially on high-performing channels like Facebook and AdWords, are becoming
increasingly expensive.
Consumers are
likely to ignore display ads
, making expensive ad buys inefficient.
Shoppers want information in the moment — delivered at key points in their buying journeys.
Over the last few years, shopping cart abandonment
has been on the rise
, which means
e-commerce giants need creative new ways to remind audiences to complete their purchases.
rely on their mobile devices
for up-to-date, on-demand information. Email marketing
messages go straight to subscriber mobile inboxes, which they are likely to check throughout
the day. It has become increasingly important to appeal to mobile users
given the rise
of mobile
Internet traffic and device adoption.

Email marketing is the most-effective tool for reaching audiences in a personalized, one-to-one way.
Here’s why:
Paid ads, especially on high-performing channels like Facebook and AdWords, are becoming
increasingly expensive.
Consumers are
likely to ignore display ads
, making expensive ad buys inefficient.
Shoppers want information in the moment — delivered at key points in their buying journeys.
Over the last few years, shopping cart abandonment
has been on the rise
, which means
e-commerce giants need creative new ways to remind audiences to complete their purchases.
rely on their mobile devices
for up-to-date, on-demand information. Email marketing
messages go straight to subscriber mobile in boxes, which they are likely to check throughout
the day. It has become increasingly important to appeal to mobile users
given the rise
of mobile
Internet traffic and device adoption.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Special Kind of Hobby You Should Engage In Affiliate Marketing

Everyone has different likes and personalities. It is the same way with hobbies and activities. People who like to read books, play sports, listen to music, watch movies, collect stamps, like to travel, pet lovers and there are those who are green thumbs. Engaging in these types of activities help to forget the troubles that we face in life, thus, we get to relax and enjoy life. I am going to switch gears for a moment and talk about an activity or hobby that anyone can start right away. Have you ever thought that you can start a hobby that will bring in money?
Starting a hobby in affiliate marketing will help bring in that second income that will help your family out tremendously. Affiliate marketing is a joint venture or partnership between two individuals. The scenario would look something like this; a person would create a product that they would want to sell, but they would need someone (affiliate marketer) to help promote their product. The seller would establish a certain percentage that would be paid to the affiliate. The same procedure is followed when promoting a product for a major company. There is no need to pay any cash up front when you start to down the path of becoming an affiliate marketer. There is no need of keeping any kind of records or customer information as this duty falls upon the shoulders of the seller or business.

Here are some of the qualities that you need to have in order to become a successful affiliate marketer:
1. Have a strong wish to succeed.
2. Don't become irritated. Sometimes, it will take a while for you to see any kind of results when promoting other people's product. Being patient will prevent you from making any kind of rash decisions.
3. Become familiar with the product you are promoting. Customers like it when they talk to someone who knows what they are doing. Try out the product or program first to see if you are comfortable with it.
4. Don't ever give up. Most affiliate marketers give up because they let some doubt into their minds. Success does not happen overnight. It will take weeks, months or even years before your website gets into the first page of any search engine. For my website on work from home opportunities, it took a year to finally make it into the top 5 search results on Google. It took a lot of work and many published articles to get it on the first page of Google.
5. Learn from established, successful affiliate marketers. There are many guides and tools that are given for the new affiliate marketer. Take the time to read and study their techniques.
6. Don't just post ordinary links on a website. Do your homework on the subject. Write an article or an e-book that will tell your reader what you have learned from that topic and share with them how purchasing that product will help them. Build a website that is full of content that will be beneficial to your reader. When you do this, you will establish a special kind of bond between you and the customer.
Article writing is a great way to not only get your business of the ground; it is a great way to get free internet traffic without paying a single penny! If you need help in coming up with original content, I have set up this gig where I can write articles for you, thus giving you a stepping stone in becoming a successful affiliate marketer. http://ow.ly/wryFE

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Increase Your Business Opportunities by using Social Media Networks

Most of the internet users today are members of some social networking site or other. People use such sites to get in touch with their friends and relatives, get information, or to promote some cause. Many express their opinions and make suggestions to others on these sites. Business can effectively make use of social media services to enhance their business opportunities as there are thousands of prospective customers on these sites.


It is not enough to just show up
You need to make sure that you are actively present on the internet pages that you have created to boost your business. If people who visit your social network pages see no content or updates, they may never consider revisiting. Make sure you post something every day.
Even if you regularly update your social networking pages with attractive posts and tweets, you may not achieve the desired impact if you do not have sufficient followers or friends on these pages. Before you use social media services to promote your business, promote your social media networking pages and acquire enough friends or followers.
Make use of aggregator applications to manage your social networking pages
You can manage your social media accounts by visiting each of the pages on a regularly scheduled basis. But if you find this difficult, you may use aggregator applications like TweetDeck to manage multiple social networking accounts simultaneously without logging in to each of these sites. Such applications help you save time as they allow you to see all the updates on your social networking sites at a glance.
Do not flood the sites
Although having regular updates is important, you should never overdo it. If you have many posts, your visitors may lose interest and may skip some of them. If you are making use of aggregator applications to update your sites, you tend to make many posts. Some social media sites may hide some of these posts if there are so many posts from the same person.
Be interactive
It is important to be interactive on these social media forums. You can create a positive image of the company in the minds of people only if you are ever active online, encouraging discussions and comments. You will be able to know what your prospective customers want and design your products accordingly if you invite suggestions and comments on these forums.
You can also post videos and images of your products on various social networking sites. People can easily know about the distinct features of your products if you post videos that describe or show the specifications of your products or images of your products.
You will sure be successful in gaining many loyal consumers if you make use of social media services to reach your prospective consumers with your products and services. Since this is an inexpensive promotional tool, small and growing businesses can easily establish their online presence through various sites.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Now a days different between advertising and website

When you come to the realization that having a healthy and dynamic company website is unavoidable, you may have one major question: How much does it  build a website? While there are a number of factors that can help you get a good idea of what you will pay, there really is no conclusive answer.
Website design is not a product, you are paying for a service. The cost of planning, designing and building your site may be completely different than what it cost your competitor down the field. Your needs and desires for your sites are likely different. Because it is a customizable service, there is no black and white answer here. Answering the questions below will give you an idea of why the question of how much it costs to build a website is such a difficult one to answer.
Are You Starting as a New?
If you are having your site built from scratch, that will often cost more than doing a redesign of an old site. Not only are you starting with a brand-new site, so is your designer. They won’t have any previous content to work with and build from, so the process will obviously be more involved. You will need to have many discussions about your business and your desired outcome with your designer to ensure that you get exactly what you’re hoping for.
Who Will Do Content Making?
Unless you are planning on doing the content creation for your website yourself, you should plan to budget a decent amount for this as well. One of the most important aspects of a successful online presence is consistently pushing out fresh, relevant, keyword-friendly content. Content creation will likely be an ongoing expense, simply because you should never stop publishing new content. Having a professional create content that is optimized for search engines and will help your site rank higher is a worthy investment. A higher page rank equals more traffic. More traffic equals more potential clients.
Are You Going Mobile Phone?
With the prevalence of smart phone use nationwide, the need to have a mobile friendly website is skyrocketing. Many people now use their phones as their main method of searching for business information. If your site isn’t created to be “responsive”, meaning easily viewed on smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc., then you may be missing out on a large number of potential clients. But of course, creating a responsive site comes with a price. This is yet another expense that you may be faced with when building your new website.
Do You Want All The Add-ons?
Do you plan on having a pretty basic website, or do you want all the bells and whistles? The answer to this question will make a big difference in the end cost for building your website. Extra add-ons such as blogs, e-commerce features, photo galleries, SEO, etc., are most likely all going to be an additional cost on top of your basic web design fee.
Who Will Maintain the Site?
After the initial set-up of your site you may assume that the work is done. That’s not the case. Keeping your site updated and running like a well-oiled machine takes continual maintenance. Although it might be tempting to try and maintain the site yourself, it’s often much more difficult than you might think. In instances like this, when your business can be directly affected by an error on your part, it’s often best to leave this type of work to the professionals. Signing a maintenance contract with your web designer is something you should absolutely consider.
Although this may seem like an overwhelming amount of work and a large expense, website design is one aspect of your business efforts where you absolutely should not cut corners. Having a user-friendly, informative, and all-around pleasant website experience for your consumers is one of the most important things you can do for your business. Your website is often the very first impression potential customers have of your business, and you want to make sure it’s a good one.


Monday, April 28, 2014

Basics of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate (partner) marketing is an online marketing practice that empowers businesses to create advertising net of companies and vendors that work together to promote particular products and services. Advertising affiliates will earn a commission after facilitating earnings. Examples of affiliate marketing programs include rewards websites, coupon websites, and brand networks. Through affiliate marketing practices, businesses can benefit by expanding their customer base and advertising their products for free. Yahoo! Search Marketing is a good example of affiliate marketing.
Traditional Internet marketing techniques include paid search engine marketing (SEM) or optimization, email marketing, and presentation marketing. Affiliate marketing techniques include lead generation, contextual advertising, and revenue sharing. Retail businesses are among the most active organizations that use affiliate marketing techniques. When employed effectively, affiliate marketing strategies can promote products and boost sales. http://ow.ly/wryFE